At least they will for as long as they last. A few weeks, maybe months, tops.
I am starting to think of Crown Royal as a breakfast drink.
And lunch.
And dinner.
Note to My Fellow WHOFers
WHOF = White-Haired Old Farts. Fantastic golfers in our own minds.
Our birdie shots (and aiming juice flasks, etc.) will now be stocked with the supplies that you see in the image above. Coconut rum and Crown Royal, as usual. The cute little bottles in the front are tequila. THAT should help with scoring better … either by playing better are just by ‘creating’ better numbers on the scorecard.
More likely the latter.
Let the lubricating begin!
Sorry we weren’t there. Our flight got changed on our trip back from DC. We’ll have to do lunch for makeup.
Philosophically, I am all for doing lunch. Food is one of my favorite things to eat. I look forward to getting together with you to partake of some.